
Miss Blogger

Name: Jana Patricia M. Valdez.
B-day: October 27, 1992
Nursery: Mc Cauley Learning Center
Pre-school-High-school: Southernside Montesorri School
College: Colegio De San Juan De Letran
Age: 16 .
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Sunday, December 13, 2009

My Complicate Life ♥

Today? It's December 12,2009.. Just sitting here on the couch at my room while typing infront of my laptop and listening music... again, boredome push me through in posting here at my blog..
(sigh)..I miss going to school already.. I've been absent since last wednesday because of an itsy bitsy but deadly mosquito...haha! anyway, just let me narrate to you my survival days...hehe

Tuesday afternoon (December 1,2009), during our P.E. class, we were practicing our dance for fieldemo and I started not feeling well.. until it was done and we started doing our parol as project in Chemistry, I became not functional in the group. When i went home, I continued doing our project in human develoement where in I edited our videos and ate dinner at a very late time and that was the only time I took my medicine and when I checked my temperature it was already 39 so I took some rest. Wednesday morning, I still pushed myself to go to school.. walking through our subdivition, I felt so dizzy that I almost fainted.. I just took some sleep when I finally rode at the bus. When I got there, it was still early for my first class so I decided to sit at the garden where I waited for my blockmates. I was already crying thattime because I was alone and I feel so much bad... I feel like vomiting, dizzy and lousy.. atlast! one of my blockmates came, it was Kim, a tear finally dropped at my eye as I saw him.. He told me to go home because I really look so pale and needing a rest badly but I refused because I thought of our chemistry lab that morning. Other blockmates came, and they were also telling me to go home or just even go to our clinic and have some check-up but I still refused. I still want to ask my professor if our lab is postponed. Finally, it was 8am, I really feel bad already, so I asked Kim to come with me at the clinic. When I was walking, I saw our professor so I asked him immediately and he told me that it was postponed so he allowed me to go home. I waited for a bus to arrive and it took me a long time in waiting and when I finally sat down, I imeediately fell asleep without having any care what's happening around me. I really laid down at myseat and made my bag as my pillow in my head. I felt worst when I rode at the jeepney, myself really want to faint already. I texted my mom to pick me up at the guard house of our subdivition so I don't need to walk and when I finally got home, I walked straight to my bed and slept. It was already afternoon when I woke up. I still don't feel good. and when they thecked my temperature, it was already 39.9!!! For four days I always don't have the apetite to eat any food.. I always feel dizzy and vomiting. My fever only went down once, it was last thursdaywhen I had 37.5 then it went up again to 39.8...Friday night, I felt like giving up already so I told my mom to bring me to the hospital.. Saturday afternoon, she brought me there and the hospital recomended me to go to the emergency room already.. and they got my vital signs,took some blood, had a skin test, put dextrose and Iwaited there until my room was fixed. I was confined at room 207. For six days of confinement, I felt a lot of pain.. I already get used to in getting my blood... I had it for 8 times I think. One of the most painful thing I had there was the blood transfusion, where in they transferred cryoprotein in my body using the dextrose because my platelet count is continuosly dropping from 260 up to 84,. My mom cried because she knew I was in danger and unfortunately my blood type B+is very hard to find for my blood transfusion. They've called every hospital but there's none, even the red cross or bloo bank. One of the hospitals got one but they refused to sell it to us, until thank God, St. Lukes had so that same day, they went there and bought the blood and immediately after checking it at the laboratory for blood match they transferred it to me....and take note, they have transferred 4bags of it "continuously!!". oooh, it was too painful that my right hand's vein swollen. Since then, everytime any medicine is injected to my dextrose it was always painful. After 5days of my right hand suffering from the dextrose, the doctors decided to take it out. it was a bit painful also because it already swollen. After a couple of minutes, a doctor came back aand she said that I need to be dextrose again... This time at my left hand.. ooooooh!!!! it was a bit paiful because a needle will be inserted to ur vein. What I only had fun in the hospital are the people who visited me every day. I felt their care and it was very touching :) Some even came from Manila and yet they had visited me. while others immediately came when they new that I was confined in the hospital. It was Wednesday (December 8,2009) when I felt better, and also my platelet count went up to 110 where in it came from 84...and the normal platelet count is 200.. I thought I could go home on thursday but the doctors still didn't allow me because it still not 200 and they were afraid that it woud drop again if I'll go home so they took my blood again thursday afternoon and I already have 164 platelets.. so friday morning they took some blood again and lunch time, they said that I can go home already, because I already have 240 platelets.. I felt so happy... and that afternoon, after my doctor checked me, they already took out my dextrose and 5pm I finally got home :)

It was a very painful and scary experience yet... it's still an experience and I thank God for giving me another chance to live. This is my 3rd life already,,, hehe... I also want to thank all the people who prayed and visited for me.. I appreciated it wholeheartedly :)

Here are the list of the nems who visited me:

Ate Marchelle;Pauline;Nina,Tita Bok; Jayson Villeza, Niko, Herson, Bernice, Hazel, Jesa, Sharra, Nathalie, Junabel, Larra, Abby,Ayen, Jam, JB, Jad, Que, mom of mae, Marlowe,Ruzzel, Kevin Mendoza, Sarah, Ernest...

for those who texted because they weren't able to come:

Athena, Stephen, Jorrelle, Mr. Secret, Marie,Aimee, Kim, Bhez, Ate Liza, John, Wendl, Dyan,tita Aileen, Tito james, Tito Gigi, Mama(Lola)....
Thank you very much for your care and much more for your prayers :)

My World My Life

7:22 PM