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Name: Jana Patricia M. Valdez.
B-day: October 27, 1992
Nursery: Mc Cauley Learning Center
Pre-school-High-school: Southernside Montesorri School
College: Colegio De San Juan De Letran
Age: 16 .
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Saturday, October 3, 2009

My Complicate Life ♥

I was in bafflement when I heard the word self-actualization thus I have read some theories and definitions of it. Majority thought that self-actualization is the same with personal growth but they are different. Personal growth is the process of expanding our horizons, improving ourselves, learning, etc. while self-actualization is both a “destination” and a process. Personal growth is just a fundamental element of self-actualization. And so, I have come up with four words associated to it inspired by the theory of Maslow. Self-actualization is bounded by acceptance to contentment to happiness to success. It’s like I could imagine a palace that is bounded by walls around it. The outermost wall is the acceptance proceeded by the contentment then to happiness and the last one is success before one can come through the palace which is the self-actualization.
In our road of life, there is always uncertainty and inequality which is acceptance is what we greatly need for all of these. Acceptance that we all have different fortune in life, that some are born with a silver spoon and some don’t , that some may look so happy while some look heaped up with challenges. These are just some of the examples that the painful reality of life has but we must learn to look life on the other way around. We must learn to appreciate from the most little thing that makes you happy. And this must be provided by its partner which is positive thinking. We must always hope even to the hopeless, as the bible says “For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven”. We must take all our trials and use it as our motivation to make ourselves stronger. And try to realize that the reason why people tend to count their problems than their blessings is because it is easier since it is fewer than the blessings that they receive in every second of their life. As you accept that there are things that may not flow in your own river, you may arrive to contentment. We must always understand and analyze our own selves in order for us to determine what we need. Indeed, we have the same basic needs like food, water, shelter, clothes, etc. but there is a level for every one of us on how much do we need in each of these. Some may want more than they need while some are “contented” for what is enough for them.
Being contented with what you have can lead you to happiness. Happiness is a very broad word. It has indefinite meanings because it would mean differently in every person. Finding happiness is like finding yourself. You don’t really find it but you make it. You choose your own happiness. It is always allied to self-actualization as the process of discovering who you are, who you want to be and paving the way to happiness by doing what brings YOU the most meaning and contentment to your life over the long run. In life, little things really do count. You might be tempted to dismiss them, but they are the seeds of daily joy that grow up into the garden of your life. Not all little things are good, but yours can be ... if you are willing to make a little extra effort.
I can still remember my childhood years, I am always one of the people who are very busy when there are special days like Christmas, birthdays, grandparent’s day, valentine’s day, and all others. Why? because I always give a lot of effort in doing my own way to celebrate it. Since I have no money yet, I try to find some things I can still reuse for my crafts and give it as a gift. I also make greeting cards and sometimes I also serve them… and you know what, it brings me a lot of joy doing those. Though I’m still young my source of happiness is already by making others happy in my own little way. I am happy to see how they appreciate my crafts and their smiles that are painted on their faces when they read my letters for them. This only means that you can fill someone's day with joy just by making that same little effort. I shared this story of mine because often, we define life painful because we see tears, not the smiles. Definitely, I am blessed having my family, lots of friends and people who truly care for me but I also believe that what we reap is what we sow. So, what are you sowing? Are you sowing seeds of happiness in your garden of life? But in a simpler question, do you share your happiness? With the right seeds and a little extra effort, you may find more happy flowers in your garden of life than angry insects. And of course, we must not forget the magic word “Thank God” for all of it. You may tell to yourself that “I wish I could be a kid again that has no problems but my toys” in times that you feel so restless and dumped with too much dilemma, right? Well, that’s life, “the survival of the fittest”. One must learn their own survival techniques for him to achieve true happiness and live his life to the fullest.
“Success is achieved when you already attained your true happiness” that’s my perception in being successful. Perhaps, for others, being successful is having everything: family, friends, and “money” but for me it’s within yourself, when you already attain your true happiness, already contented, moreover you are willing to share your blessings and finally give time to thank the most responsible one for all your accomplishment which is God and serve him. Remember, money is a universal provider for everything but NOT true happiness and a passport to everywhere but NEVER in heaven. More especially money can never be a basis on how successful a person is.
Now, if you already surpass the four walls of self-actualization palace, you can now enter and can call yourself a self-actualized person. Life is like a race, the only difference is that you don’t have opponent, the people around you are just also taking their own races. Don’t mind them if they run faster than you do, it is better to be slower like a turtle and appreciate every little thing that life is giving you than being a fast runner like a rabbit and appreciate nothing at all. They say that in order to achieve self-actualization, one must realize the potential he or she is born with and I believe that everyone has the potential to accept, be contented, be happy and be successful in their own ways. Self-actualization doesn’t have a constant rule for us to obey in order to achieve it. Getting to your destination lies on your hands on how you would define and take it. Life is hard for others because they see the obstacles and not their goals. It is the way we look at things that makes this world worthwhile, not our judgment.

---------Just wanna share it with you guys,hehe...At least I was able to post again after a long long time...hehe, hope you found some lessons in my paper ^^

My World My Life

9:25 PM